Source code for pyinstapaper.instapaper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime

import json
import logging
import time

import oauth2 as oauth

# for python2/3 compat
from future.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode, parse_qsl

ACCESS_TOKEN = 'oauth/access_token'

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Instapaper(object): '''Instapaper client class. :param oauth_key str: Instapaper OAuth consumer key :param oauth_secret str: Instapaper OAuth consumer secret ''' def __init__(self, oauth_key, oauth_secret): self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(oauth_key, oauth_secret) self.oauth_client = oauth.Client(self.consumer) self.token = None
[docs] def login(self, username, password): '''Authenticate using XAuth variant of OAuth. :param str username: Username or email address for the relevant account :param str password: Password for the account ''' response = self.request( ACCESS_TOKEN, { 'x_auth_mode': 'client_auth', 'x_auth_username': username, 'x_auth_password': password }, returns_json=False ) token = dict(parse_qsl(response['data'].decode())) self.token = oauth.Token( token['oauth_token'], token['oauth_token_secret']) self.oauth_client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.token)
[docs] def request(self, path, params=None, returns_json=True, method='POST', api_version=API_VERSION): '''Process a request using the OAuth client's request method. :param str path: Path fragment to the API endpoint, e.g. "resource/ID" :param dict params: Parameters to pass to request :param str method: Optional HTTP method, normally POST for Instapaper :param str api_version: Optional alternative API version :returns: response headers and body :retval: dict ''' time.sleep(REQUEST_DELAY_SECS) full_path = '/'.join([BASE_URL, 'api/%s' % api_version, path]) params = urlencode(params) if params else None log.debug('URL: %s', full_path) request_kwargs = {'method': method} if params: request_kwargs['body'] = params response, content = self.oauth_client.request( full_path, **request_kwargs) log.debug('CONTENT: %s ...', content[:50]) if returns_json: try: data = json.loads(content) if isinstance(data, list) and len(data) == 1: # ugly -- API always returns a list even when you expect # only one item if data[0]['type'] == 'error': raise Exception('Instapaper error %d: %s' % ( data[0]['error_code'], data[0]['message']) ) # TODO: PyInstapaperException custom class? except ValueError: # Instapaper API can be unpredictable/inconsistent, e.g. # bookmarks/get_text doesn't return JSON data = content else: data = content return { 'response': response, 'data': data }
[docs] def get_bookmarks(self, folder='unread', limit=25, have=None): """Return list of user's bookmarks. :param str folder: Optional. Possible values are unread (default), starred, archive, or a folder_id value. :param int limit: Optional. A number between 1 and 500, default 25. :param list have: Optional. A list of IDs to exclude from results :returns: List of user's bookmarks :rtype: list """ path = 'bookmarks/list' params = {'folder_id': folder, 'limit': limit} if have: have_concat = ','.join(str(id_) for id_ in have) params['have'] = have_concat response = self.request(path, params) items = response['data'] bookmarks = [] for item in items: if item.get('type') == 'error': raise Exception(item.get('message')) elif item.get('type') == 'bookmark': bookmarks.append(Bookmark(self, **item)) return bookmarks
[docs] def get_folders(self): """Return list of user's folders. :rtype: list """ path = 'folders/list' response = self.request(path) items = response['data'] folders = [] for item in items: if item.get('type') == 'error': raise Exception(item.get('message')) elif item.get('type') == 'folder': folders.append(Folder(self, **item)) return folders
[docs]class InstapaperObject(object): '''Base class for Instapaper objects like Bookmark. :param client: instance of the OAuth client for making requests :type client: ``oauth2.Client`` :param dict data: key/value pairs of object attributes, e.g. title, etc. ''' def __init__(self, client, **data): self.client = client for attrib in self.ATTRIBUTES: val = data.get(attrib) if hasattr(self, 'TIMESTAMP_ATTRS'): if attrib in self.TIMESTAMP_ATTRS: try: val = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(val)) except ValueError: log.warn( 'Could not cast %s for %s as datetime', val, attrib ) setattr(self, attrib, val) self.object_id = getattr(self, self.RESOURCE_ID_ATTRIBUTE) for action in self.SIMPLE_ACTIONS: setattr(self, action, lambda x: self._simple_action(x)) instance_method = getattr(self, action) try: instance_method.__defaults__ = (action,) except AttributeError: # ugh, for py2.7 compat instance_method.func_defaults = (action,)
[docs] def add(self): '''Save an object to Instapaper after instantiating it. Example:: folder = Folder(instapaper, title='stuff') result = folder.add() ''' # TODO validation per object type submit_attribs = {} for attrib in self.ATTRIBUTES: val = getattr(self, attrib, None) if val: submit_attribs[attrib] = val path = '/'.join([self.RESOURCE, 'add']) result = self.client.request(path, submit_attribs) return result
def _simple_action(self, action=None): '''Issue a request for an API method whose only param is the obj ID. :param str action: The name of the action for the resource :returns: Response from the API :rtype: dict ''' if not action: raise Exception('No simple action defined') path = "/".join([self.RESOURCE, action]) response = self.client.request( path, {self.RESOURCE_ID_ATTRIBUTE: self.object_id} ) return response
[docs]class Bookmark(InstapaperObject): '''Object representing an Instapaper bookmark/article.''' RESOURCE = 'bookmarks' RESOURCE_ID_ATTRIBUTE = 'bookmark_id' # TODO: identify which fields to convert from timestamp to Python datetime ATTRIBUTES = [ 'bookmark_id', 'title', 'description', 'hash', 'url', 'progress_timestamp', 'time', 'progress', 'starred', 'type', 'private_source' ] TIMESTAMP_ATTRS = [ 'progress_timestamp', 'time' ] SIMPLE_ACTIONS = [ 'delete', 'star', 'archive', 'unarchive', 'get_text' ] def __str__(self): return 'Bookmark %s: %s' % (self.object_id, self.title.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def get_highlights(self): '''Get highlights for Bookmark instance. :return: list of ``Highlight`` objects :rtype: list ''' # NOTE: all Instapaper API methods use POST except this one! path = '/'.join([self.RESOURCE, str(self.object_id), 'highlights']) response = self.client.request(path, method='GET', api_version='1.1') items = response['data'] highlights = [] for item in items: if item.get('type') == 'error': raise Exception(item.get('message')) elif item.get('type') == 'highlight': highlights.append(Highlight(self, **item)) return highlights
[docs]class Folder(InstapaperObject): '''Object representing an Instapaper folder.''' RESOURCE = 'folders' RESOURCE_ID_ATTRIBUTE = 'folder_id' ATTRIBUTES = [ 'folder_id', 'title', 'display_title', 'sync_to_mobile', 'folder_id', 'position', 'type', 'slug', ] SIMPLE_ACTIONS = [ 'delete', ] def __str__(self): return 'Folder %s: %s' % (self.object_id, self.title)
[docs] def set_order(self, folder_ids): """Order the user's folders :param list folders: List of folder IDs in the desired order. :returns: List Folder objects in the new order. :rtype: list """ # TODO raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Highlight(InstapaperObject): '''Object representing an Instapaper highlight.''' RESOURCE = 'highlights' RESOURCE_ID_ATTRIBUTE = 'highlight_id' ATTRIBUTES = [ 'highlight_id', 'text', 'note', 'time', 'position', 'bookmark_id', 'type', 'slug', ] TIMESTAMP_ATTRS = [ 'time', ] SIMPLE_ACTIONS = [ 'delete', ] def __str__(self): return 'Highlight %s for Article %s' % ( self.object_id, self.bookmark_id)
[docs] def create(self): # TODO raise NotImplementedError